Cinema Sessions

30. Fight Club: Exploring Masculinity, Rage, Risk Taking, and a Case Study of Tyler Durden!

Rick Guttersohn, Kailah Ayres-Tuttle, and Michael Davis Season 2

On this episode, Michael Davis makes his triumphant return as guest host to help Kailah and Rick break down the 1999 film, Fight Club featuring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Meatloaf (Rick’s personal favorite actor and musician). They break all the rules of fight club while examining the benefits and misuse of support groups, and defining healthy vs. toxic masculine traits. Plus, they examine Tyler Durden as a case study! No fights broke out during the recording of this episode (but if they did we wouldn’t be allowed to say). 

Hosted by Rick Guttersohn and Kailah Ayres-Tuttle

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