Cinema Sessions
Welcome to Cinema Sessions! This is a podcast where film fanatics, who happen to also be therapists, geek about their favorite films, sharing therapeutic insights, character deep dives, and a healthy portion of non-clinical nonsense! Cinema Sessions is the podcast intersection between movies and mental health. New episodes are released every other Tuesday!
Cinema Sessions
28. Teenage Insecurities in Nostalgic Movies: Perks of Being a Wallflower, Teen Wolf, Can’t Hardly Wait, and More!
Teenagers wrestle with SO many insecurities. What would it look like if we could jump in a DeLorean and travel back in time to talk with our teenage selves?
On this special episode, Kailah and Rick take a nostalgic look back at some of their favorite coming of age movies that highlight teenage insecurities. They each pick three films from their childhood and teenage years that highlight specific insecurities they faced that are likely being felt by other teens. They talk about how those insecurities may have been compounded in todays social media world and what encouragement they might share with their teenage selves. Plus, they have fun pitching their own very unique coming of age movies!
Hosted by Rick Guttersohn and Kailah Ayres-Tuttle
Connect with us on Instagram: @CinemaSessionsPod
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