Cinema Sessions

24. Guardians of the Galaxy: Character Case Studies of Each Guardian, Childhood Trauma, Connecting through Tragedy & Loss, and a MAJOR Announcement

Rick, Kailah, & Michael Season 2

On this episode we go on a cosmic journey with the 2014 surprise smash hit, Guardians of the Galaxy. We talk about where this movie ranks amongst MCU films. We do character deep dives into each of the Guardians and discuss how each of their personal pain and tragedy allows them to unite together as ‘chosen’ or ‘found’ family. We talk about how unresolved childhood trauma can impact people as adults, and we compare and contrast the childhood experiences of Starlord and Gamora.  And of course we halve plenty of non-clinical nonsense while shouting the phrase “Pelvic Sorcery”

Also...make sure you listen until the end for a very important announcement. 

Hosted by Rick Guttersohn and Kailah Ayres-Tuttle

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